Your daughter’s bottom front teeth came in a little crooked. You hoped that when she stopped using her thumb to self soothe, her permanent teeth would come in straight.
Unfortunately, the dentist says there’s not enough room in her mouth for the rest of her teeth to erupt. He wants to use a device to expand her jaw. But you have your doubts: People lived for thousands of years without this type of intervention, didn’t they? Why are braces such a big thing these days? Is it more of an elective procedure?
Historically, Dentistry and Orthodontic Care Wasn’t Always Accessible
It is true that our ancestors lived without the kind of dental and orthodontic treatments that we have available. But they also had more painful conditions and fewer teeth by the end of their shorter lives.
When teeth were crooked, they had to live with it, and with the cavities and bad breath that came with misaligned bites. When there wasn’t enough room for teeth to erupt straight, they would often have to have multiple teeth pulled once they became too decayed. People with malocclusions were often thought to be “degenerates or lunatics”.
Modern Techniques Help You Keep Your Teeth Health
Orthodontic intervention and appliances can help you reduce the risk of your child needing fillings, crowns, or extractions.
At East Cobb Orthodontics, we want a healthy smile for you and your children. Great orthodontic care is a big part of keeping your teeth disease-free, and healthy teeth are important for your overall health. Schedule your child’s appointment with us today to get them on the road to excellent dental health and the self-confidence that goes along with it.